Awaken heart

Awaken heart. Our yoga practice teaches us to stay with an open heart. To be able to keep our heart open and stop building armour around it we need to educate ourselves mentally and emotionally. The first step is to learn to accept ourselves and love ourselves the way we are, learning to be compassionate … Continue reading Awaken heart

Yoga and Age

Age and yoga. Age is just a number in yoga. A strong clear mind and a peaceful state of being are necessary to practice yoga. Kindness, Love and Compassion are required in the yoga world. Everyone who practices yoga diligently confirms that the body becomes stronger, leaner, more flexible and brings a feeling of rejuvenation. … Continue reading Yoga and Age

Divine city

Divine city. Venice is a Divine city full of art, love, beauty, inspiration and grace with a sense of adventure. The city consists of 118 small islands and 438 bridges, completely embraced by canals and the Adriatic sea. Venice is a magic museum of Venetian Gothic in the open air. Boats and romantic gondolas provide … Continue reading Divine city